"Squirrel-suit flying" is an up-and-coming extreme sport, and is something that has always interested me. Squirrel suits are jumpsuits for humans, equipped with "wings" like flying squirrels have, that allow suited individuals to glide downward from a various heights, usually from cliffs or mountaintops.
Often flyers wear Go-Pro cameras to capture their first-person experiences "flying" down a mountainside, or they fly in coordination with another flyer, to capture a "first-and-third-person" view of these flights.
My website idea involves a site with the ability for squirrel suit flyers to upload Go-Pro-type videos of their squirrel suit flights, so site users can view them, and all this to help raise awareness and interest in the sport.
Squirrelsuit flying (aka, Wingsuit flying, or "wingsuiting") is an extreme sport that involves flying through the air using a "wingsuit" which adds surface area to the human body to enable a significant increase in lift, which allows an extended time for gliding. A squirrelsuit flight normally ends by deploying a parachute, and so a squirrelsuit can be deployed from any point that provides sufficient altitude for flight and parachute release — normally a skydiving drop aircraft (usually a helicopter), or a BASE-jump exit point, such as a tall cliff or a safe mountain top.
The typical target audience for such extreme sports is the group of males, age 18 to 35, usually those in the $75,000 to $100,000 annual income range (extreme sports, particularly squirrelsuit flying, can be expensive), but it also includes a loyal fanbase that includes males as young as 12.
One popular aspect of the sport that has helped increase its fanbase of loyalists is the video documentation of such flights. The use of mountable GoPro sport cameras makes it easy to document the squirrelflights from a first-person view, as well as from a third-person view, which gives the viewer the sensation of "flying along" with the squirrel flyer.
Attack of the Squirrel Suits logo
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Color Palette
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Heading Font: Comic Sans
I think both Comic Sans and Helvetica are "classic" and familiar fonts. Helvetica is always a classic for paragraph text, easy to read, etc., and Comic Sans is readable and universal enough, but also "eye-catchy."
Paragraph Font: Helvetica
I think both Comic Sans and Helvetica are "classic" and familiar fonts. Helvetica is always a classic for paragraph text, easy to read, etc., and Comic Sans is readable and universal enough, but also "eye-catchy."
Normal paragraph example
"Squirrel-suit flying" is an up-and-coming extreme sport, and is something that has always interested me. Squirrel suits are jumpsuits for humans, equipped with "wings" like flying squirrels have, that allow suited individuals to glide downward from a various heights, usually from cliffs or mountaintops.
Colored paragraph example
Often flyers wear Go-Pro cameras to capture their first-person experiences "flying" down a mountainside, or they fly in coordination with another flyer, to capture a "first-and-third-person" view of these flights.
Site Map
Home page
Squirrelsuit flying (aka, Wingsuit flying, or "wingsuiting") is an extreme sport that involves flying through the air using a "wingsuit" which adds surface area to the human body to enable a significant increase in lift, which allows an extended time for gliding. A squirrelsuit flight normally ends by deploying a parachute, and so a squirrelsuit can be deployed from any point that provides sufficient altitude for flight and parachute release — normally a skydiving drop aircraft (usually a helicopter), or a BASE-jump exit point, such as a tall cliff or a safe mountain top.
- Why will people come to your site?
Visitors will be able to find out some basic information about squirrel suit flying, what it entails, and will be able to upload YouTube video links and a description of squirrel suit flights. Either their own or a favorite of theirs.
Visitors will be able to view videos uploaded by others, and will be able to upload their own video links with their own description.
Just a Youtube link or links and the ability to create an intriguing description.
Visitors can go to any site they want, but I'm creating a site with my own personal flair that no one else will be able to duplicate. I might also add the "Nerds McFlurry" moniker to my site, just to make it eye-catchier and more memorable.
The typical target audience for such extreme sports is the group of males, age 18 to 35, usually those in the $75,000 to $100,000 annual income range (extreme sports, particularly squirrelsuit flying, can be expensive), but it also includes a loyal fanbase that includes males as young as 12.
One popular aspect of the sport that has helped increase its fanbase of loyalists is the video documentation of such flights. The use of mountable GoPro sport cameras makes it easy to document the squirrelflights from a first-person view, as well as from a third-person view, which gives the viewer the sensation of "flying along" with the squirrel flyer.
Images for the Home page
About This Site
"Squirrel-suit flying" is an up-and-coming extreme sport, and is something that has always interested me. Squirrel suits are jumpsuits for humans, equipped with "wings" like flying squirrels have, that allow suited individuals to glide downward from a various heights, usually from cliffs or mountaintops.
Often flyers wear Go-Pro cameras to capture their first-person experiences "flying" down a mountainside, or they fly in coordination with another flyer, to capture a "first-and-third-person" view of these flights.
I wanted to feature a site where people can upload comments and YouTube video links to their favorite squirrel suit flights, whether their own, or someone else's that they follow, so people can come to one place and enjoy all the adventure that is squirrel suit flight.
Images for the "About This Page" page
Contact Us
Feel free to contact me about squirrel suit flight videos you may be looking for, or with any suggestions you may have on how to make the site better. Fill out the form below, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Enjoy the site!
Images for the "Contact Us" page
Create three wireframes for your site. One for each page and list them here
About Squirrel Suit Flying
[Page 3]
[Any additional details about page 3 that the wireframe does not make clear]